Lets start with the good.
I had a great time seeing my Dad yesterday. We had some mexican food and walked around the mall, enjoying each other's conversation. And... although the little girl inside me wanted to pull on his pantleg a few times and beg for something sparkly from the window, I didn't. :-) Sometimes its hard to curb ones behavior, and I think I'm learning pretty well about excess spending; whether its my money or someone elses. What made the time spent with my Dad even better is that Sr didn't fuss -- Not even for a minute.
After filling up on Daddy hugs, I went home and enjoyed an evening of doing NOTHING. It was nice. I sat on the couch beside Sr and watched television. I think I might actually begin to like the fact that he's found World of Warcraft. While he's busy playing his game on the laptop, he actually lets me hold the remote. I watched the first episode of the season of one of my favorite shows (Top Chef), and a little bit of a show I could care less about, before I fell asleep on the couch with my husband at my feet and my dog, Sam, cuddled under my arm.
This morning, I woke to the sound of pouring rain. All that does is make me want to stay in bed. Alas, that's not the way it works around here.
I got up, took Jr to school, got some work done, all the while putting off something I'd been dreading doing for a couple of weeks now.
The hardest part about being a business owner (aside from taxes) is having to let someone go. Today Sr & I had to sit down with our Administrative Assistant and let her know that there just isn't enough business for us to continue to pay her. There is just so little work coming in that paying her becomes a burden on us that we can't keep harboring. When it comes down to it, we've held on to her position longer than we should have and if I have to chose between feeding my kid or feeding her, I chose the kid everytime!
We let her know today around 4. It went better than I expected, but still wasn't easy. I care about her on a personal level, and I think that's what makes it so difficult. I know she'll get through this. She's young and has a lot to offer. It won't be long before she's in another job. I'm not sure if she'll ever find one as cushy as this one has been over the past couple of months, but I certainly wish her all the best.
Now, I'm looking at this pile of paperwork on my desk that I need to tackle, I smell Fried Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese and Squash cooking in the kitchen. I can't wait to turn off the light in my office for the day and go try to salvage the rest of my evening.
Wishing you all, good food, good friend and the time to enjoy them all....