Monday, April 20, 2009

A busy month

More and more these days it seems our weekends are eaten up by a trip here, a trip there, and all sorts of activities that keep us from being able to just "BE". Here's a short synopsis of our month.

The first weekend in April Sr & Jr went on a father/son trip to New Orleans. We rented them a vehicle and they took the 10 hour drive down on Thursday. They stayed right in the French Quarter and ate their way through New Orleans. We're raising such a foodie!!! They ate Gumbo, and Etouffee and just generally had a good time. Sunday they made the long trip home. They really had a great time.

Then back into the weekly routine....

The second weekend in April was Easter weekend. I drove Jr to spend the 3 day weekend with his mother in Greensboro. Luckily, my parents are only 1 1/2 hours from there, so I was able to go spend the weekend with them. On Easter, I left for Greensboro. Then my Land Rover pooped out on me. So what started out as a 6 hour trip turned into about 14 hours. Jr & I sat in the Rover for about 2 hours waiting for my Dad & my uncle to come rescue us. We kept ourselves occupied by bouncing babies on our laps and laughing at those goofy kids. Once we got back on the road, it was a constant worry about when it would overheat again. We're pretty sure it is the Thermostat. We got home at about 2 am and Sr re-heated Easter dinner for us (Lamb & Potato soup - DELISH). Overall, I enjoyed spending time with Jr. No video games, no chores, just us chatting it up about everything under the sun.

The third weekend in April has just passed and we were actually able to spend it at home. Sr had to work, though; catching up on all the work he's got pouring in. We went out for Sushi on Friday night. The guys went to the movies Saturday night and Sunday evening I spent on the couch with my honey watching a movie. Once again, back to the weekly routine.

This week is going to be the busiest of the month.

On Wednesday I leave, babies in tow, to head to Virginia for yet another court proceeding. I'll drive to my parents home and spend the night. Then back on the road for the remainder of the trip on Thursday. Court is at 3:00 pm on Friday. Depending on the outcome will depend on when I head back. If the babies stay in Virginia, then I'll drive all the way back on Saturday. If they stay with us then I'll drive to my parents on Saturday morning, then the rest of the trip on Sunday.

Its been a very stressful time for us, as I'm sure you can imagine. Not knowing whether the babies are staying here or not has been hard on all of us. You try not to get too emotionally attached but then they smile at you and the walls you tried to build around your heart just melt away. Its been a great joy to have them in our home for whatever time they stay here. They keep me on my toes and they keep us looking forward. Sr's gotten as attached as I have, I think... even though he won't admit it. Its hard not to. Jr seems to be showing signs of attachment as well. He's started picking them up and walking around with them. He's a good role model. I'm very proud of the young man he's becoming.

Well, so there's the synopsis of our month. Hoping next month is a lot less busy but just as full of love! - KEEP ON MOVING!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Playing dress up

Ok, so I'm going to admit something.... part of the joys of having the babies here is dressing them up in all the cute outfits that are out there. Quite frankly there is much more out there to dress a little girl in than there is for a little boy. Thanks to my mother & father, I've gotten a few new outfits for the babies lately. This one was especially cute on Zack. I had to share!!!
He's such a goofy boy when he smiles....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One long night!!!

Yesterday was Sr's Birthday. I spent the majority of the day running around trying to make things just right for his day, even though he said he'd prefer that I didn't. By the end of the day, I'd managed to get birthday shopping done, leave cards on his desk at work, make a New York Cheesecake (from scratch), get dinner prepared, take care of babies (with the help of MIL, Thank God), get last minute report covers for Jr, and even talked to Mom & Dad multiple times throughout the day.

Wow, what a day!

It never ends, though!

So after the babies are down for the night, I snuggle in next to Sr and begin to watch a movie. I don't quite make it through the movie (neither did Sr). Next thing I know, it's 1 am and there's a screaming baby in the crib. After calming her and getting her back to sleep, I snuggle back in. Now, keep in mind, she's not sleeping through the night yet, so I'm completely accustomed to being woken up at least twice a night. Tonight, however, is a completely different story. From 1:30 am til 5:45 am she woke at least once an hour. It would take me a little while to get her calmed then back to sleep. I calculate that I was able to sleep about 20 minutes an hour. All in all I think I've gotten about 2 hours of sleep. Poor baby had nasty gas. *note to self--no more bananas and pudding baby food*

Now she's sleeping peacefully in her swing and I'm wishing I could snuggle in there too for a nap. Alas, the day must go on. Maybe I'll sneak a nap while the two of them are napping this afternoon. Nope, too much to do!

  • Ironing

  • Dinner Preparation

  • Laundry

  • General House Cleaning

  • Lunch for Sr

I think I've got enough to fill nap time with being productive. Hopefully she'll rest a bit better tonight and I can too.

Keep on moving!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

When a 6 hour trip turns into a 14 hour trip

Yesterday I was expecting to spend about 6 hours on the road. Well, it turned into 14 hours, roughly. The trip from Mom & Dad's house to Greensboro was supremely uneventful. Then from Greensboro to home - my Rover decided to poop out on me - REPEATEDLY! My Dad & my uncle Tim came to my rescue and followed me home to make sure we made it back okay. Lets just say that the babies were not happy - but we made it without trauma!

Tomorrow is my honey's b-day. I'm trying to figure out what to make him for dinner but not getting help from him on his wishes. The only request I've gotten is that I don't try something new. So far I've decided on a Cheesecake. I'll have to update with the full menu another time.

Keeping this post short and sweet, so I hope to update again later.