Monday, August 24, 2009

Moving in a DIFFERENT direction!

Saturday was a very fun day!

The morning started off with a whole house pick up. With the help of Jr I was able to get the entire house ready for company; floors mopped, swept & vacuumed, fresh sheets on beds, dusting, he even helped me dis-assemble the kitchen table and put it back together (one of the boards was stuck for the leaf to go in). My parents arrived a little after 1 and about 3:30 or 4, some amazing friends got here too. On top of it all, Sr was making a fantastic meal for us all. The babies were being overly fussy (teething, and all the commotion didn't contribute nicely to naps) but we managed to fit in a small 1st birthday celebration. L didn't understand the whole cake thing and was none too pleased to put her fingers into the mushy cake. Z took a little while to warm up to it and eventually had it all over the place (including the inside of his diaper). I still can't believe they're going to be a year old this weekend.

After we were all thoroughly stuffed, we descended into the living room for a haze filled gab session. Mom & Dad left for their hotel and Shari, Al, Woody & I sat around the table running our mouths about everything from religion to politics and beyond! I must say this was the highlight of my weekend.

Surrounded by friends & family with loud laughter and good food is the way I'd spend EVERY SINGLE DAY! I'm sure it would get old, but I'd definitely enjoy trying to wear it out!

Sunday morning, Sr got up and prepared another amazing meal. We all gathered around in my kitchen and ate and laughed some more.

When the dust settled, our visitors all got into their vehicles and headed to their respective homes. About an hour or so later, I found myself napping, snuggled sweetly beside my honey.

This weekend has made me reflect on a few things. I love living here. My only regret is that one friend in particular lives so far away. Sometimes in life you have to sacrifice things. This is not one of those things I wanted to sacrifice. So, for now, daily phone calls and e-mails will have to do. That is until I can convince her that she needs to live here too.

I've been able to spend more time with my family than ever since we've moved here. Even when we all lived 45 minutes away from one another, I don't think we saw each other as much as we do now. We may have, but it wasn't quality (not to say that I still didn't enjoy it). I've heard over and over again how quality over quantity was better. Now I'm a firm believer.

I said something to Shari yesterday morning that has been stuck in my head. I told her that if we lived closer that we wouldn't enjoy the time as much. In some ways, I still think that's true. But it would be nice, though, to be able to have her closer for an extra set of hands on occasion.

Another thing I said to her that's been stuck in my head is that I wanted to be her when I grow up. In my eyes, she's got such a knack for organization that I severely lack. She's always learning and teaching her children and I admire that. She's focused and determined to make things better for her husband and her children and herself all at the same time. By better, I don't mean that her life is bad. Rather that there is so much in this world that our families are exposed to that they REALLY shouldn't be. Sometimes its just easier to let "the system" tell you what's good and whats not without questioning why. I wonder if I'm guilty of that. I know I am to a certain degree. I'm more apt to sit back and accept something as truth without truly delving into it to find out the reasoning behind it. That can't be a crutch anymore. "The system" doesn't have my family's best interests in mind, and its my job to determine what's best for them.

Today I start moving in a different direction; trying to stay focused on a larger picture and managing myself and my family accordingly.

To my guests this weekend, I say, "Thank you".

Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the road again.....

Tomorrow after Jr gets out of school we'll be getting on the road and heading to NC again. 5 Hours in the car with 11 month old babies and a 14 year old can have its ups & downs, that's for certain!!! The good part is that Jr gets chatty and starts talking more than usual. The bad part is... its 5 hours in the car with 11 month old babies and a 14 year old. ;-)

This month we will celebrate the babies 1st birthday. Geez... I can't believe their going to be a year old. Where has the time gone? They've been with us now since December 12, 2008. I remember the first time I held each of them. Zack was so tiny and frail looking. He was skinny and seemed weak, but had the cutest little sideways grin. Lissa had a head full of hair and was clearly the stronger of the two. She started wrapping Sr around her finger from the very start. Once they came to live with us, they really began cementing their little feet into our hearts. At first, I was so tired that I could hardly enjoy being with them. Once I got used to going without sleep, I was able to take it all in. Now, Zack's got a grip like a strongman and Lissa's ready to take on the world... as long as I'm within her line of sight.

Jr has been in school nearly 2 weeks now. I still can't get over having a high schooler. He's having some of the same struggles we've had since 1st grade. The beginning of the school year always seems to be the hardest. I guess its just getting back into the swing of things and not having any free time on your hands. I have faith that he'll get on track and do what's expected of him... and do it well! Especially with Sr behind him nudging him along.

Sr's taking more classes for his designations. Sometimes I think its the classroom environment that he enjoys more than getting the designations. That man always wants to know MORE... part of the reason I love him, I suppose. I'm very proud of all he does for us!

I'm finally beginning to feel better. Whatever creepy crud I had this week has certainly taken its toll on me but we're on the road to recovery..... sniffle sniffle

Hope all is well with you.....

Keep moving in that direction!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

One sick Mama!!!

This weekend was a rough one!

I haven't been sick in a while; since we've gotten custody of the babies, I think. At least these were the words that were going through my head the other day when I started feeling the itch in the back of my throat. I'd been doing pretty good at putting everyone else's needs first and still managing to stay well. WELL.... that all changed on Friday.

Thursday I stared feeling a little scratchy so I drank some orange juice. Friday morning I got up and had a full fledged stuffy head... you know the kind that make your head feel like it weighs an extra 10 pounds. I trudged forward and tried my best to stay on task, even making a "to do" list so that I wouldn't get terribly distracted. Saturday I could feel the fever taking over. UGH!!! All the while, staying with my list and managing to finish it all up before Sr got home from his trip.

I know I like coming home to a clean house, so I figured I'd do my best to make sure he knew we were happy to have him home!

Sunday morning I woke with the nastiest, stuffiest, sneeziest cold I'd had in a VERY long time. I was more cold than the coldest winter morning, yet it was hot outside. Bundled in my long sleeved sweat shirt, jeans, and socks, I curled back into bed under the down comforter and slept peacefully for many hours. Thanks to MIL & Sr for tending to the babies!!! Sr came in and checked on me a couple of times and I was blissfully unaware! Thankfully, Mom made dinner and I was able to relax in a hot bath. Afterwards, I was feeling TONS better and slept very well throughout the night.

This morning I was refreshed as I woke. Only to find that BOTH babies are now exhibiting signs of the creepy crud. As I sit here and type, they are both sleeping well. Nap time usually takes about 2 hours and so far, they've been asleep for 2 1/2. I'm hoping they sleep right through the yuckies and wake up happy!

Now that I'm on the upswing, its back to the weekly grind. Although this week, I feel like I'm ahead of the curve since I was able to get the whole house in order before I crashed! Now its just a matter of maintaining.

Today I've been able to get my coupons organized, my menu for the week planned and dinner started. Its now 2:15 pm and I feel pretty confident that the rest of the day will go pretty well. Famous last words, right?

On an up-note... Z has finally started to sit up like a big boy. Last month he surprised us all with the leaps and bounds of progress he'd made. First crawling, then pulling up and standing up. Oddly, he wouldn't sit up on his bum. He'd lean over each and every time you'd try to sit him up. This morning I watched him sit straight up just like his sister and play. What a wonderful sight to see!!!!

As always, we're continuing to move in that direction!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What can I say?? I'm honored!!!

Wow!! Thanks, Shari (Life Gets Messy)!

Reading her blog this morning and I find that she's been given an award for how AWE-SUMMM she is and she's passed that honor on to me (along with 6 of her other buds).

So here's how it works....

1. List seven things that make you Awe-summm.
2. Pass this on to seven bloggers you read religiously.
3. Tag those seven bloggers.

I'm going to go backwards (kind of like a count down to the most awe-summ-est).

7. I'm constantly reminded of how beautiful friendship can be. Being an army brat, it was hard to make and keep friends for any length of time as a child. Well, let me rephrase that, making them was easy, keeping them was difficult. Over the years, however, I've managed to make some amazing friends and keep those friendships. Sometimes I'll go a month, two months, a year without seeing or speaking to them. When we do have the chance to catch up, its like no time has passed and we can pick up right where we left off! You gotta love that!

6. Taking each day as a learning experience has been a challenge, but I think that's one of the things that makes the AWE factor even greater! I may not know it all, but it's sure fun figuring it all out.

5. Although I may complain, having my Mother-in-law here living with us is a great help. Its hard to have two women trying to run one household. We do it with relative ease and are getting better at it all the time (see #6).

4. I have two of the most amazing nieces! They are sweet, kind-hearted, funny and most of all... genuine. Each time I'm around them I can't help but smile and feel a warmth that only they can give me! Love you girls!!!

3. My sister has been my companion for over 30 years now. She's been there to listen to me laugh and to listen to me cry... sometimes even to laugh until I cry.

2. Growing up it was my parents, my sister and me. The best part is that even though we were all over the globe, we always had each other. In addition to that.... there was more family back home that always accepted us back with open arms and big hugs! We may have been miles apart, but we were always close.

1. Last but certainly not least... My husband and my family are the most amazing and AWE-SUMMM part of who I am. Sr reminds me on a daily basis how special I am to him. The feeling is mutual, of course. Jr reminds me to never give up on my dreams... as he was my dream come true. The newest additions to our family, the twins. They keep me on my toes and make little things come to life that I never thought I'd be able to experience.

Now for passing of the torch. As I don't have many blogs that I read each day, I'm going to put the 3 that I subscribe to. Perhaps I should explore more of them. No, I probably shouldn't as I waste too much time on the computer everyday anyway. Time Management is not one of my AWE-SUMMM qualities!

1. Shari (Life Gets Messy)
2. Jamie (The Smith Family)
3. Laurie (Starting Over)

Thanks again, Shari! You know I love ya, girl!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reflections of my baby

Jr goes back to school tomorrow. This time is slightly different than most. This time, he's a High School student. I'm facing tomorrow with a mixture of emotions. I'm glad he's going back, as he's been bored and fidgety. I'm sad because it feels almost like this is another phase of his life closing forever. No longer is he the little boy who would crawl into my lap and play with my hair. No longer is he the little boy that enjoyed playing with action figures and super hero costumes. We've now replaced toy cars with computers and ipods. I look at him now and see a young man who's preparing for his future, talking about college and driving. In January, he'll be eligible for his Learner's Permit. Again, the fear sets in. My baby driving around in that crazy world while I fearfully grip the door handle, praying for our safe return. The next step - driving around in the crazy world without me. Without me?? That's something I'm definitely not ready for. I miss him already!

When he's grown and has his own family, I'm sure I'll look back and smile at the many memories we've created as a family. I'll fondly remember listening to him hum the Star Wars theme over and over again while he played or watching him put every single Halloween costume on that he'd ever owned, all at the same time or feeling the excitement grow as he and I would create a silly hat for silly hat day at school.

The first time I met him, he was 3 years old. He was weary of any woman in his Daddy's life, I suppose. Slowly, he warmed to me and before you knew it, he was sitting in my lap showing me how to work his favorite toy. I never thought I could love someone else's child as though he were mine. He brought a dimension that I'd prayed for and gladly accepted. Watching him grow has been a privilege. Its not all been easy, and I'm sure he doesn't always believe that I'm happy to have him in my life. We're both head strong, set in our ways, opinionated, antagonistic... But I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. He's been my baby, my boy, my heart and for that, I'm BLESSED.