Saturday, June 6, 2009

As always, things here are still moving forward as fast as a locomotive. Most days that locomotive is fueled with very strong coffee and baby formula!

Today is no exception! In the last 2 days I think I've had about 8 hours sleep. I could be wrong, but I think we have a teething baby or two. Amazingly, the fussing seems to only happen after 12 am each night. I think those little buggers plan it that way. Its a conspiracy to keep me from sleeping, thus keeping me in a caffeine induced fog during the day. Those sneaky sneaky babies (spoken with a crazy Russian accent).

My biggest baby (Sr.) is doing really well with his new diet and the weight seems to be washing off of him in the shower. This makes me happy and irritated all at the same time. I'm so busy dealing with what everyone else eats that when it comes time for me to eat, I just grab whatever with no regard for calories, fat, carbs, etc. So while Sr's weight is falling off of him, mine is just sitting there staring me back in the mirror every morning. Damn that Little Debbie!

Jr's seems happy that summer has finally arrived. Today he's going fishing with some friends. Its good to see him doing things socially. I hope he has a good time. I'm not sure if that means we'll be cleaning fish for fun this evening or not. Well, not me.... yuck! I don't do fish guts!

His report card came in. Not as good as I would have hoped, but not terrible either. 4 B's and 1 C in his core classes. The rest (electives) of his classes were E's (excellent). I was a little worried for a little while, but he pulled up his boot straps and dug in. We're still proud of him. He's been through a lot of change this year and this just proves he can do whatever he puts his mind to.

Babies are doing very well. Zack's still not crawling, but he's working on it. Lissa's pulling up on furniture, drawers, entertainment centers... pretty much anything she can. Won't be long before she's furniture cruising and trying to walk and stand on her own. I'm having a hard time keeping her out of stuff. What on earth am I going to do once they're both mobile??? (Note to self - invest in hair care products to cover all the grey that will surely appear overnight)

MIL is getting excited about her trip back to VA next week. It will do her good to see the rest of the family and her church family. She's been going to a church here but it just isn't the same for her yet. I think she was beginning to get homesick. I hope she has a great time but I already look forward to her return, as I really am happy to have her help.

Well, back to chasing kids, menu planning and all those other things I manage to squeeze into a day. As always, keep it moving in that direction!


P. S. - Thanks to all my family that welcomed the babies in so completely! You're all very special to me!

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