Monday, August 10, 2009

One sick Mama!!!

This weekend was a rough one!

I haven't been sick in a while; since we've gotten custody of the babies, I think. At least these were the words that were going through my head the other day when I started feeling the itch in the back of my throat. I'd been doing pretty good at putting everyone else's needs first and still managing to stay well. WELL.... that all changed on Friday.

Thursday I stared feeling a little scratchy so I drank some orange juice. Friday morning I got up and had a full fledged stuffy head... you know the kind that make your head feel like it weighs an extra 10 pounds. I trudged forward and tried my best to stay on task, even making a "to do" list so that I wouldn't get terribly distracted. Saturday I could feel the fever taking over. UGH!!! All the while, staying with my list and managing to finish it all up before Sr got home from his trip.

I know I like coming home to a clean house, so I figured I'd do my best to make sure he knew we were happy to have him home!

Sunday morning I woke with the nastiest, stuffiest, sneeziest cold I'd had in a VERY long time. I was more cold than the coldest winter morning, yet it was hot outside. Bundled in my long sleeved sweat shirt, jeans, and socks, I curled back into bed under the down comforter and slept peacefully for many hours. Thanks to MIL & Sr for tending to the babies!!! Sr came in and checked on me a couple of times and I was blissfully unaware! Thankfully, Mom made dinner and I was able to relax in a hot bath. Afterwards, I was feeling TONS better and slept very well throughout the night.

This morning I was refreshed as I woke. Only to find that BOTH babies are now exhibiting signs of the creepy crud. As I sit here and type, they are both sleeping well. Nap time usually takes about 2 hours and so far, they've been asleep for 2 1/2. I'm hoping they sleep right through the yuckies and wake up happy!

Now that I'm on the upswing, its back to the weekly grind. Although this week, I feel like I'm ahead of the curve since I was able to get the whole house in order before I crashed! Now its just a matter of maintaining.

Today I've been able to get my coupons organized, my menu for the week planned and dinner started. Its now 2:15 pm and I feel pretty confident that the rest of the day will go pretty well. Famous last words, right?

On an up-note... Z has finally started to sit up like a big boy. Last month he surprised us all with the leaps and bounds of progress he'd made. First crawling, then pulling up and standing up. Oddly, he wouldn't sit up on his bum. He'd lean over each and every time you'd try to sit him up. This morning I watched him sit straight up just like his sister and play. What a wonderful sight to see!!!!

As always, we're continuing to move in that direction!!!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I am happy to hear you are feeling better..I am so glad to hear that Zack is sitting up straight..that is great