Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One long night!!!

Yesterday was Sr's Birthday. I spent the majority of the day running around trying to make things just right for his day, even though he said he'd prefer that I didn't. By the end of the day, I'd managed to get birthday shopping done, leave cards on his desk at work, make a New York Cheesecake (from scratch), get dinner prepared, take care of babies (with the help of MIL, Thank God), get last minute report covers for Jr, and even talked to Mom & Dad multiple times throughout the day.

Wow, what a day!

It never ends, though!

So after the babies are down for the night, I snuggle in next to Sr and begin to watch a movie. I don't quite make it through the movie (neither did Sr). Next thing I know, it's 1 am and there's a screaming baby in the crib. After calming her and getting her back to sleep, I snuggle back in. Now, keep in mind, she's not sleeping through the night yet, so I'm completely accustomed to being woken up at least twice a night. Tonight, however, is a completely different story. From 1:30 am til 5:45 am she woke at least once an hour. It would take me a little while to get her calmed then back to sleep. I calculate that I was able to sleep about 20 minutes an hour. All in all I think I've gotten about 2 hours of sleep. Poor baby had nasty gas. *note to self--no more bananas and pudding baby food*

Now she's sleeping peacefully in her swing and I'm wishing I could snuggle in there too for a nap. Alas, the day must go on. Maybe I'll sneak a nap while the two of them are napping this afternoon. Nope, too much to do!

  • Ironing

  • Dinner Preparation

  • Laundry

  • General House Cleaning

  • Lunch for Sr

I think I've got enough to fill nap time with being productive. Hopefully she'll rest a bit better tonight and I can too.

Keep on moving!!!

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