Friday, March 20, 2009

Nothing is constant but change

Since my last blog my life has changed TREMENDOUSLY!

  1. We're now living in a home about half the size in another state. Back in September we started considering a move to Tennessee. After much consideration, we took a great opportunity and moved our family west. So far so good. I love it here. The people are nicer, there is less traffic, the cost of living is significantly lower, and its just a better environment for our family all the way around. I like having the smaller home, too. Much easier to manage. Although, you'll see in a minute why.

  2. We currently have custody of a set of beautiful twin babies; Lissa and Zack. They are almost 7 months old now and have been with us since December. Any free time I thought I might have once we moved here is gone in the cool winter breezes. Long story short, their parents didn't have the resources to take care of them. At this point, we've got another court date set for April 24th. We should have more concrete details at that time.

  3. My son is doing amazingly well here. He's struggled a little bit with school, but I think that's just because he was concentrating so hard on not being the new kid and getting a gaggle of friends. He misses his friends back in VA, but other than that seems pretty content (as much as a 14 year old can be).

My friend Shari and her beautiful 3 girls came and spent a few days with us. I hadn't seen them since the youngest was a baby. Now she's trying her best to run the roost. They were such a blast to have here. "E" has grown into a very beautiful, helpful young woman. I couldn't get over how tall she'd gotten. "M" is a sight! Definitely the girliest of the girls. So I totally relate to that. I think I might have a tea party friend for life. "J" is a pistol, aptly dubbed "the blonde terrorist". But she's got such a sweet heart! Like a cat; when she wants attention, you must dole it out now.

I'm missing some friends from home terribly; Tami, especially. The funny thing is that when I lived in VA we'd go a year without seeing one another and that was ok, because we knew we could. Now that I'm in TN, I feel like I need to see her more. Thankfully, with the court dates and visitation we've been doing with the babies, I've been able to see her a couple more times. I'd like to go back and spend more time than a couple of hours with her though. Hopefully when she takes her vacation.

Well, signing off for now. I hope to find some time to blog again soon. Enjoy!

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